Interested in testing NODE.OS on your robot? Contact us for an Experience Package.

image brand NODE-flow

Increase the fleet performance of your intralogistics and reach the next level of fleet autonomy with real-time collaborative traffic coordination and path planning for AMR and AGV fleets.


While autonomously navigating robots are a game changer in many industries, ensuring they don't interfere with each other and avoiding deadlocks is crucial. This is where NODE.flow comes into play.

NODE.flow provides a combination of centralized and decentralized traffic coordination and collaborative path planning capabilities that enable seamless operation and traffic flow within a fleet of robots. Our technology coordinates traffic around the fleet while preserving the autonomy of individual robots.

With NODE.flow, robots can navigate and collaborate with each other in real-time, avoiding collisions and ensuring efficient and safe operation. By streamlining traffic coordination and path planning, our technology minimizes the risk of deadlock and maximizes performance and productivity, making it an essential component in any fleet of autonomous robots.

Advantages of NODE.flow

USP #1

Easy setup – Get rid of time-consuming and error- prone traffic rule configuration by using autonomy and collaboration capabilities

USP #2

Adaptivity to dynamic environment - Seamlessly adjusts to dynamic scene instead of predefined traffic lines.

USP #3

No autonomy restrictions – By exploiting collaboration instead of hard-coded traffic rules, the autonomy functions of the robot can be maintained to a large degree.
